Additional details in RFP notification emails
Improved transparency for demographics. The RFP notification email you receive from the buyer now includes a description of the demographic and the provider ID, so that you can easily see the demographic the buyer wants to transact on.
Improved proposal workflow for you and your buyers
Expansion of markets and stations for local TV and radio. The proposal import file has been updated to support your buyers who can now buy from non-standard markets and stations in Buyer workflow. Previously, buyers were restricted to the standard DMA markets and the Nielsen-rated stations.
Validation of cable system to media property combination for local TV import. To prevent proposals being sent with an incorrect cable system to media property combination, you now get an error if you import a proposal XML file with an incorrect combination. Previously, sending a proposal with an incorrect cable system to media property combination blocked the buyer's workflow.
Missing rating data warnings for local TV and radio imports. You now receive a warning if rating data is missing for all of the lines for your imported local TV or radio proposal. Correcting this before the proposal is sent to the buyer means the buyer does not have to return the proposal to you for the data to be added if they want to compare their rating estimates with yours.
Additional controls for sharing of sell-side estimates for Nielsen buys for local TV. You can now only send proposals with demographic data for Nielsen for stations that subscribe to Nielsen. Previously, there were no controls, which could result in buyers receiving data that was not valid for the station.
New buy category and marketplaces for print OOH
Optional additions for point of care campaigns. Your buyers who specialize in point of care campaigns now have access to the following new, optional buy category (inventory type) and associated marketplaces to enable them to manage these campaigns more effectively.
Note: The buyer must activate these, they are not available by default.
- Buy category:
- Coverwrap
- Marketplaces:
- Direct Mail
- Electronic Health Records
- Exam Room
- Inserts
- Online
- Pharmacy
- Sponsorships
- Telehealth
- Waiting Room
Update to user account for administrators
Improved auditing of users. You can now easily identify inactive users with the new Last login date available on the user account in the Users list and the users export.
Known issues
For existing issues, see the Known issues page.
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